For those unfamiliar, DASH stands for "dietary approaches to stop hypertension." A good diet helps treat or prevent high blood pressure.
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has been demonstrated to improve heart health and lower type 2 diabetes risk. With the DASH diet, you'll shop for fruits, vegetables, whole grains
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The Mediterranean diet emphasizes plant-based foods and heart-healthy fats. Imagine plenty of fruits, vegetables, lentils, beans, nuts, omega-3s,
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"The main purpose of this diet is consuming foods with less calories and eating as much as you want," Young says. At least 30 minutes of activity,
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minimizing TV while eating, sugary snacks, and too much meat and full-fat dairy are all recommended by the Mayo Clinic Diet.
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Muscle mass declines with aging, reducing metabolism and causing weight gain. Consuming more protein helps you lose weight by keeping you full and building lean muscle
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"Since you're not restricting yourself from the foods you love and eating things in moderation, the 80/20 diet is a sustainable way of eating for many older adults,"
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Finally, Mitri advises over-50s to lose weight on a low-carb diet because their bodies react
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poorly to carbs. "This makes it easier for your body to store any excess carbs as body fat," says.